Page 1 of 1 12 ITEMS
Mahogany Metronome
height: 23 cm
width: 10.5 cm
REF: 378025
Edwardian Mahogany Cake Stand
height: 77.5 cm
width: 26.5 cm
REF: 377985
Yew Wood Folding Tray On A Stand
height: 58 cm
width: 73 cm
REF: 377979
Late 19th Century Mahogany Canterbury
height: 51.5 cm
width: 42.5 cm
REF: 377922
French Beech Framed Mannequin
height: 158 cm
width: 46 cm
REF: 377745
Arched Moon Roller Longcase Clock Dial
height: 47.5 cm
width: 33 cm
REF: 377616
Early 20th Century Ash Step Ladders
height: 181 cm
width: 45 cm
REF: 377520
Beech Billiard Score Board
height: 15 cm
width: 71 cm
REF: 377400
#Cut Glass Table Mirror
height: 1.5 cm
width: 35.5 cm
REF: 377370
White Metal Painted Coat & Hat Stand
height: 187 cm
width: 37.5 cm
REF: 377244
#Pair Of Dutch Figures
height: 29.5 cm
width: 8 cm
REF: 376269
Reclaimed Industrial Pulley
height: 46 cm
REF: 375774
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