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Solid Oak Luggage Stand
height: 46 cm
width: 55.5 cm
REF: 378089
Oak Hall Stand
height: 190 cm
width: 76 cm
REF: 378056
Walnut Coat Stand
height: 178 cm
width: 40.5 cm
REF: 378064
Victorian Walnut Canterbury Whatnot
height: 91 cm
width: 57.5 cm
REF: 378020
Oak Linenfold Coffer
height: 61.5 cm
width: 96.5 cm
REF: 378011
Late 19th Century Walnut Perpetual Desk Calendar
height: 17 cm
width: 12 cm
REF: 378001
Edwardian Mahogany Jardiniere Stand
height: 89 cm
width: 27.5 cm
REF: 377969
Oak Horn Gramophone
height: 72 cm
width: 38 cm
REF: 377948
Substantial Walnut Wall Calendar
height: 44 cm
width: 35.5 cm
REF: 377919
Original Oak Wooden Flour Container
height: 37 cm
width: 39 cm
REF: 377912
Beech Bentwood Hat & Coat Stand
height: 197 cm
width: 40 cm
REF: 377901
Large Wicker Industrial Mill Trolley
height: 70 cm
width: 101 cm
REF: 377899
Beech Bentwood Coat & Hat Stand
REF: 377900
REF: 377890
Copper Plated Cast Iron Armoured Knight Lamp
height: 98 cm
width: 17 cm
REF: 377880
Medium Sized Dapple Grey Rocking Horse
height: 86 cm
width: 96 cm
REF: 377878
Late 19th Century Oak Silver Chest
height: 60 cm
width: 57 cm
REF: 377858
French Bentwood Wall Hooks
height: 39 cm
REF: 377863
height: 180 cm
width: 82 cm
REF: 377838
Small Proportioned Beech Bentwood Coat & Hat Stand
height: 193 cm
width: 36 cm
REF: 377826
Substantial Bentwood Coat & Hat Stand
height: 203 cm
width: 54 cm
REF: 377830
Solid Oak Coffer
height: 48.5 cm
REF: 377804
Edwardian Brass Letter Rack
REF: 377793
Camphor Wood Campaign Chest
height: 47 cm
width: 81.5 cm
REF: 377780
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